Hectare by Hectare Programme is a unique and innovative agricultural initiative conceptualized and developed as a solution to the four major problems usually encountered by Stakeholders in Agribusiness i.e. Access to Land, Capital, Expertise And Market. It was also developed for the Promotion of Employment, Wealth Creation, Financial Inclusion, General Public Awareness and Value Re-Orientation through Agribusiness.

Our Goal

In collaboration with Franchisees, Proxy farmers, Resident Farmers, Out-growers, Technical Experts  and other major Stakeholders in the Agricultural Value Chain, Adasomi Development Company (ADCL) and other members of Adasomi and Revacom Consortium are through the five Schemes of the Programme, leveraging on technology to implement the solutions created Under the Programme that enable all adult Africans especially unemployed youths (Farm to Home Agents) to participate in Agriculture and Agribusiness in a manner that optimally unlocks and delivers all the potential benefits in every transaction to all the Participants.

Implementation Plan

The Programme is designed to be implemented by ADCL in the whole of Africa through a Franchising Model that entails the appointment of one Franchise Company for each Country, one Sub-Franchise Company for each State (Region) and one Franchise Cooperative Society for each Community within any given State or Region.

Projected Number of Participants Per State/Region

When fully operational in a territory (State), it is projected to engage a minimum of 200,000 persons as participants under the five schemes of the programme; namely Adasomi Farm Estate Scheme, Adasomi Outgrowers Scheme, Adasomi Food Court Scheme, Adasomi Premium Discount Scheme and Hectare by Hectare Volunteering Scheme.


  • Robust Legal Framework
  • 36 Fit for Purpose Agreements
  • Critical Transaction Documents
  • Operational Policies & Guidelines
  • 6 Purpose Built Software Applications
  • 14 Key Market Penetration Tools
  • 1 (one) Promotional Book

Summary of Our Core Objectives

  • To Create unique avenues for all adult Africans to partake in Agriculture and Agribusiness.
  • To Promote Wealth Creation and Poverty Reduction through Agribusiness.
  • To Promote Employment and Financial Inclusion.
  • To Provide end to end solutions for all types of Transactions within the Agricultural Value Chain.
  • To provide de-risked opportunities for everyone to earn from agriculture and agribusiness
  • To provide access to additional revenue for participating communities, Local Government Councils and state governments.
  • To promote environmental protection, community policing and crime reduction.
  • To Promote the culture of volunteering among African Citizens.
  • To Promote General Public Awareness And Value Re-Orientation.


1. Adasomi Farm Estate Scheme

This scheme was conceptualized and designed for fast-tracking the development of farm estates all over Africa based on off-take guarantees from primary or secondary off-takers.

The HBH unique partnership model guarantees Hectare by Hectare Team easy access to land anywhere in Africa on any required large scale

Key Features

    • Unique funding model provides easy access to required funds         
    • De-risked opportunity for all adult Africans to invest and earn money as proxy farmers
    • All transactions fully secured by specially designed insurance policies.
    • Engagement of idle youths in any partnering community as resident farmers.
    • Sustainable Income to land owners
    • Revenue to Host/Participating Communities, Local Government and State Governments.
    • Additional revenue to land owners, Host/Participating Communities, Local Governments and State Governments through the Voluntary Carbon Market.

      This scheme was conceptualized and designed for fastracking the development of farm estates all over Africa based on off-take guarantees from primary or secondary off-takers.

      The HBH unique partnership model guarantees Hectare by Hectare Team easy access to land anywhere in Africa on any required large scale

      Key Features
      2. Adasomi Out-growers Scheme

This scheme was designed to incorporate existing farms and out-growers into the Hectare by Hectare Programme. Under the Scheme, we leverage on HBH Community Franchise Cooperative Societies, Sub-Aggregators, Outgrowers Cooperative Societies, Community Warehousing Partners and Primary Off-takers to boost off-take of food and agricultural produce from our Out-growers in rural communities, thereby providing them greater and seamless access to market for their farm produce.

Key Features

  • Franchise office/produce registration centre in every participating community within Africa. Unique Community warehousing system that enables off-take of Farm Produce from local Farmers     
  • Hectare by Hectare Cluster Farming System enables the aggregation and integration of small parcels of land within Communities with fragmented land holdings.
  • Hectare by Hectare school to farm initiative enables the development of farms within the premises of participating schools.  The Initiative provides extra income to staff, revenue to the participating schools and practical learning experience to the students.            
  • Sustainable income to Land Owners.
  • Revenue to Host/Participating Communities, Local and State Governments.
  • Additional revenue to Land Owners, Host/Participating Communities and State Governments through the Voluntary Carbon Market.

    3. Adasomi Premium Discount Scheme
  1. The Premium Discount Scheme was developed to promote and induce the marketing, distribution and off-take of food and agricultural raw materials produced within the hectare by hectare value chain.  The scheme also provides opportunities for Farm to Home Agents (mostly unemployed youths) to earn sustainable income From Premium Discount Forward and Supply Contracts Created under the programme for the off-take and supply of food, farm inputs and agricultural raw materials

    Key Features

    • Massive job creation and foreign exchange inflow through the Hectare by Hectare Diaspora Off-take Initiative. Diaspora Sub-Consolidators (Africans living in diaspora) receive food items from time to time on credit and distribute to members of their consumer groups with their neighborhood.         
    • Premium Discount supply contracts for Farm to Home Agents.
    • Massive job creation from food distribution business for Local sub-consolidators through the Hectare by Hectare Local Off-take Initiative. Local Sub-Consolidators receive goods from time to time on credit and distribute to members of consumer groups created by them within their neighborhood.
    • Premium Discount Forward Contracts for Farm to Home Agents.         
    • Unique credit model for individual consumers, participating hotels and eateries
    • Aggregation of large ecosystem of consumers in the whole of Africa.
    • Adasomi Discount Application enable discount subscribers to buy food items from participating food vendors (Hotels, Restaurants and Eateries) at a discount in addition to receiving cash reward for such purchases
    • Unique Consumer Cooperative Model enable members to buy food items at below market prices and still receive cash reward for each item purchased in addition to cash saving into their Cooperative Reserve Fund Account.

    4. Adasomi Food Court Scheme

This is a Scheme developed to further deepen and fastrack the guaranteed off-take of food and Agricultural raw materials farmed and processed within the Hectare by Hectare Value Chain.

In order to create a large ecosystem for organized produce off-take, it is planned that a minimum of 5 Revacom Food Courts shall be developed in every city within Africa.

Under the scheme, Revacom Food Courts can be built in Higher Institutions while existing refectories can be refurbished and converted to Revacom Food Courts at no cost to participating institutions.

Key Features

  • Easy access to conducive real estate for food vendors.     
  • Opportunity for all adult Africans to invest as Value Partners and own fractional interest in Revacom Food Courts (Food/Agricultural Real Estate).
  • Two or more persons can own a Food Court jointly.      
  • Daily Income for value partners from sales of food and beverages
  • Adasomi Food Court management software guarantees seamless operation and management of every Revacom Food Court.

    5. Hectare by Hectare Volunteering Scheme: Key Highlights
  • As compensation for the access to Economic Empowerment granted to them, Farm to Home Agents with the aid of learning materials developed under the Programme, are required to Act as Awareness Volunteers and Change Agents under the Hectare by Hectare Volunteering Scheme.
  • Under the scheme, these Farm to Home Agents are involved in organizing Seminars and Town hall meetings within their given Communities to create General Public Awareness on the following areas: Basic Legal Education, Civic Education, Financial Literacy, Basic Health Education and Value Re-orientation.
  • They also engage in other Volunteering services such as Road Maintenance, Maintenance of Common Community Assets, Agricultural Extension Services, Environmental Protection and Community Policing.
  • In furtherance of our Corporate Policy that for every tree removed for the development of any Farm Estate, two other trees must be planted and in support of the United Nations climate change initiative, these Farm To Home Agents are required to engage in planting of Economic Trees on available spaces within their Communities, thereby enhancing their potential to earn additional income from the voluntary carbon market.
  • The number of Premium Discount Forward Contracts and the Premium Discount Supply Contracts to be secured by a Farm to Home Agent is dependent on his or her level of participation in the Hectare by Hectare Volunteering Scheme.
  • In collaboration with Lawquest, strategic stakeholders and other members of Adasomi and Revacom Consortium, Adasomi Foundation handles the day to day management of the Hectare by Hectare Volunteering Scheme.

Adasomi Logistics Services

Adasomi Logistics Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of ADCL with the aid of its logistics application provides support for Hectare by Hectare logistic providers who delivers food and agricultural items under the programme.

Key Features

  • Riders are assigned to specific clusters.         
  • Upon receipt of requests, riders pick up items from sub-consolidators within their clusters and deliver to buyers within same clusters.
  • Adasomi Logistics model, entails the use of Solar Powered Tricycles for last mile deliveries thereby achieving remarkable reduction in the cost of logistics and huge savings for users

Join the Agric Revolution….Hectare By Hectare…The Ultimate Game Changer!